
Bored @ work on Friday

Ponder this:

• Sign of aging--Stopping for coffee on the way to work has replaced the joy of stopping for a 12 pack of beer on the way home from work?

• What are the odds in Vegas that Kevin Ferderline is the father of the latest Spears pregnancy?

• Wasting Time for a Good Cause- GOOGLE IMAGE Google has created a game that helps to identify the random images on the web. They match you up with some random person and then you are each shown an unidentified image. You guess until your answer matches and the tag is then attached to the picture. To make this worthwhile, they attach a score to your effort so your competitive energies can flourish.

• Wasting Time for a Great Cause- Where does a desire to waste some time at work, while helping feed the hungry and increase your vocabulary converge? FREE RICE This site provides 20 grains of rice for every word that you get correct. It also gives you a rating of your verbal ability. A few 100 grains of rice per day can feed an adult. I can rationalize this activity as a better investment of wasted time than 5 games of solitaire.

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